
A Journey to Self-Discovery and Healing


n the realm of ancient plant medicines, Ayahuasca stands as a powerful elixir known for its profound spiritual and healing effects. This sacred brew, originating from the Amazon rainforest, has captivated the hearts and minds of countless seekers around the world. In this blog, we delve into the wonders of Ayahuasca, exploring its benefits, origins, and the compelling reasons why people embark on this transformative journey.

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a traditional plant medicine brewed from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub. Indigenous communities in the Amazon have been using Ayahuasca for centuries as a sacred tool for healing, self-discovery, and connecting with the spiritual realm.


The Healing Power of Ayahuasca

The benefits of Ayahuasca are manifold and deeply personal. Many individuals who have experienced Ayahuasca ceremonies report profound emotional healing, releasing past traumas, and gaining insights into their lives. It can offer a unique perspective, helping individuals let go of negative patterns and cultivate self-awareness. Ayahuasca ceremonies often lead to a sense of inner peace, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection to oneself and the universe.

Where does Ayahuasca come from?

Ayahuasca’s roots lie in the indigenous cultures of the Amazon rainforest. Shamans, the spiritual leaders of these communities, have been using Ayahuasca for millennia to access higher states of consciousness and receive guidance from the spirit world. In recent years, Ayahuasca has gained global attention, drawing individuals from diverse backgrounds seeking spiritual awakening and healing.

How to prepare for Ayahuasca

Preparing for an Ayahuasca retreat is essential for a safe and transformative experience. Embarking on this sacred journey requires careful preparation, both mentally and physically, to fully embrace the profound healing potential of Ayahuasca. Here are some essential guidelines to help you prepare for this spiritual adventure:

Rule #1: Let Go of Expectations and Fears

Entering an Ayahuasca ceremony with preconceived expectations can limit the transformative power of the experience. Ayahuasca’s effects are unique to each individual, and the plant medicine may reveal insights and teachings beyond what you anticipate. Let go of any fears or anxieties and trust in the process. Embrace a mindset of openness and surrender to the wisdom of Mother Ayahuasca.


Shaman serving Ayahuasca

Rule #2: Set an Intention and Prepare Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically

Setting an intention before the Ayahuasca ceremony can be profoundly grounding and helps bring clarity to what you seek to learn or resolve through the experience. However, avoid setting rigid expectations of what you want to heal or see during the ceremony. Instead, ask yourself thought-provoking questions:


What do I seek to learn?

What do I seek to understand?

How do I feel at the moment?

What is difficult for me at the moment?

How do I feel about my life?

Why did I decide to work with Ayahuasca?


Reflect on these questions to open your mind and embrace the journey of self-discovery. Engage in spiritual practices that enhance your connection with your inner world, such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, and spending time in nature. Practicing mindfulness activities will help you become more aware and present before the retreat begins.

Following a special diet before the Ayahuasca ceremony is also essential for preparing your body and mind. Reducing consumption of sugar, fat, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs allows you to become more attuned to your true feelings and intentions. This process is not about suffering, but about creating a sacred intention and remaining humble and aware of your inner self.

house with sun light

Rule #3: Find a Safe and Supportive Retreat Center


Selecting the right retreat center is crucial for a positive and safe Ayahuasca experience. Look for a reputable and well-established center that prioritizes safety, guidance, and support. Ensure that the facilitators are experienced and knowledgeable in Ayahuasca ceremonies and traditional shamanic practices.


Feeling comfortable and supported during your retreat is essential for allowing yourself to fully immerse in the process. Trust your intuition when choosing a retreat center that resonates with your values and goals.

Contact us for your Ayahuasca experience. Our beautiful retreat center offers a professional service with medical staff and experienced spiritual guides, dedicated to your safety and well-being. Join us for a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing with the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca. 
